Book flights to Hong Kong - Australia - Auckland Manila and other destinations with Cathay Pacific. You can also book your flights online manage bookings and view your frequent flyer account. With online check in you can select or change seat - update your frequent flyer number and sign up for flight messaging services. Cathay Pacific Airways is an international airline registered and based in Hong Kong offering scheduled cargo and passenger services to more than 110 destinations around the world. We are deeply committed to Hong Kong where the Company was founded in 1946. We continue to make substantial investments to develop Hong Kongs aviation industry and enhance Hong Kongs position as a regional transportation hub. In addition to our fleet of aircraft these investments include catering - aircraft maintenance and ground handling companies as well as our corporate headquarters at Hong Kong International Airport. Cathay Pacific and its subsidiaries and associates employ over 20000 staff in Hong Kong. The airlines two major shareholders are both Hong Kong companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as is Cathay Pacific itself. Cathay Pacific is the major shareholder in AHK Air Hong Kong Limited an all cargo carrier that offers scheduled services in the Asia region
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