Married but Feeling neglected? In need of some excitement? Married but Feeling neglected? In need of some excitement? Illicit Encounters is a discreet and confidential extra-marital dating service for women and men... Perhaps you are in a loveless or dead-end marriage or relationship. Your partner no longer values you. Intimacy has long gone but for many reasons you do not want to upset the apple cart. Is this you? You would be surprised how many people this applies to. But there is an alternative. Find someone in a similar situation to yours who also does not want to end their marriage and who wants to explore a friendship - a relationship - become lovers - whatever you are both comfortable with in the knowledge that there is not a hidden agenda. Do you remember what it was like to find someone who is interested in you? Who excites you? Do you really want to spend the next decades living out the rest of your life without that spark of an exciting relationship?
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